Sunday, March 20, 2011


It was my mom's birthday on the 18th, so we did a two day celebration. On her birthday we all went for afternoon tea at a hotel downtown. It was the cutest thing! We all got our own tea pot, and a tray of "tea foods" which were small pastry's and finger sandwiches. It was all very delicious and so cute! Yesterday me and my sisters made her dinner, so when she came home from work she didn't have to do anything. We made homemade sushi and tempura. It was delicious!

Erinn, my younger sister is a really good baker! She made a red velvet cake for my mom as a surprise. One of my favorite Bloggers is the author of I am Baker. She makes gorgeous desserts, and a little while back posted this cake. I knew we had to make it for my mom, so we did and this is how it turned out:

It was so moist and delicious, but Erinn messed up the frosting. She thought that confectioners sugar, was just plain sugar, not icing sugar, so instead of icing sugar she put in regular sugar. So the icing was really sweet, and a little grainy, but still tasted fine with the cake!

I helped her decorate with the roses, and we were so proud that it looked so good after!


Monika Wright | I Love It All said...

That celebration would make any Mom smile for a loooooong time!

Renee said...

Hi, Megan,

Congrats on you win at Stacy's blog. I bet the class will be fab.

Happy Belated birthday to your Mom. You and your sister did a great job with making her day so special. Oh, the cake is really pretty. I love the flowers.

It's nice to meet you....'looking forward to visiting again!

Happy Crafting,
